The Sexual Health Outreach (shOUT) Coalition works to transform community systems to better serve the sexual health needs of youth in the Appalachian Highlands of Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee. The shOUT Coalition centers youth voices and best practices.

shOUT is a collective impact initiative, and its work is anchored by the YWCA of NETN/SWVA and RISE: Healthy for Life.


We engage community systems to support youth well-being and sexual health.


We envision a future where young people in Appalachia are heard, respected, and have all the information and support they need to lead whole, healthy lives.


shOUT believes it takes GRIT to connect and change community systems to optimize teen health in Appalachia.

G-R-I-T means we believe in:

Growth: All young people have the desire to grow, and our job is to provide the safe communities and caring adults that foster that growth.

Respect: All young people deserve respect and dignity, and we commit in words and actions to uphold the rights of all to feel safe, valued, and respected.

Information: All young people deserve access to medically accurate, up-to-date sexual health information and education in order to make healthy decisions for themselves and the wellness of others.

Teen-centered: shOUT focuses on teens' needs by listening to them and amplifying their voices, providing opportunities for sharing experiences that can move people to be better and do better.